Author Topic: We're doomed!  (Read 20561 times)

Offline Rhino

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Re: We're doomed!
« Reply #120 on: July 25, 2017, 06:08:18 AM »
More evidence.....and people are ok with this....

Um... oh hell no. The company I work for has their own app that allows employees to order lunch or anything from the cafeteria. But to use the app you have to allow the company to install their own security software and basically control your phone. I said oh hell no to that as well. So even though I help design the damn phone, I'm one of the luddites that has to go to a separate kiosk to buy lunch because I don't allow them to own my phone. Chimp implant would be right out.

Offline B.D.F.

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Re: We're doomed!
« Reply #121 on: July 25, 2017, 06:34:31 AM »
And your example is just 'them' 'watching' you.

Potential foster parents are being questioned, searched, and to varying degrees being denied either being foster parenting or firearms. Check out this little gem:

Now that is from Fox news, not the most neutral information source in the world. But the lawsuit is in the public domain and can be seen here:

And by the way, these people who are trying to be foster parents.... as the child's grandparents. To be approved to foster a child, even a blood- relative, the people applying will be fingerprinted, have access to their own firearms strictly limited, effectively be banned from lawful firearm carry even though the potential foster holds a valid carry permit, and have ALL of his (their) firearms documented with the state. Let us call it what it is: gun registration.

Interestingly enough, LEO personnel are exempt from these regulations.

This is an excerpt from the article at Fox news:

"Caseworkers from MDHHS and a county judge told William Johnson of Ontonagon, Mich., that he had to choose between his Second Amendment rights and fostering his grandson, according to a complaint filed with the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan. The 54-year-old Johnson is a retired, disabled Marine with a Michigan Concealed Pistol License. He and his wife were asked by the state of Michigan to foster their grandson. According to Johnson's suit, however, the issues began as soon as he arrived at MDHHS to pick up the child.

Johnson said he was searched for a firearm and, although he was not carrying a gun, officials demanded to see his concealed carry license. He was then told he would need to give MDHHS the serial numbers of all of his firearms, including rifles and shotguns, and register them with the agency. After questioning why he would have to register his firearms in order to foster his grandson, Johnson said he was told by one caseworker, "if you want to care for your grandson you will have to give up some of your constitutional rights." When he objected, he was told there would not be a "power struggle" and MDHHS "would just take his grandson and place him in a foster home" if he didn't comply with their requests."

Yep, to foster, even one's own grandchildren one must only give up some Constitutional rights. And which rights and how many, will be determined by the state child welfare officials who hold no public office, are not elected officials and are not answerable to the public at large.

FUBAR  and the shame of it is that we, the collective 'we', are tolerating it. Hell, tolerating it, we are funding it!


Um... oh hell no. The company I work for has their own app that allows employees to order lunch or anything from the cafeteria. But to use the app you have to allow the company to install their own security software and basically control your phone. I said oh hell no to that as well. So even though I help design the damn phone, I'm one of the luddites that has to go to a separate kiosk to buy lunch because I don't allow them to own my phone. Chimp implant would be right out.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Offline gPink

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Re: We're doomed!
« Reply #122 on: July 25, 2017, 06:40:59 AM »

Offline B.D.F.

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Re: We're doomed!
« Reply #123 on: July 25, 2017, 07:03:52 AM »
I saw an interesting thing a few weeks back. On the way to an appointment on a Thurs. afternoon, I happen to see a large, crew cab pickup truck pulling a large trailer. The truck and trailer were both new. The windows on the truck were tinted so dark that nothing could be seen inside (this was in full daylight). No markings whatsoever on either vehicle and no registration plate on the trailer. Following the vehicle down a local, secondary road, when it got to an intersection, both vehicles 'lit up' with blue, flashing LEDs, all over both vehicles. The truck pulled a tight U- turn and went back the way it had come. A few minutes later, I saw another set of the identical vehicles, coming from another direction and when they reached the next intersection, they did the exact same thing (lights, U-turn, back the same way). I did a little checking with some local folk (official folk who I believe were training with the folk in those trucks and trailers) and was told they belonged to a local city PD as part of the K-9 unit. Aha, sure. Big dogs and lots of them I guess.

Without any knowledge at all, this is what I suspect and why: those vehicles were new and at least two sets of them matched. No city or town around here has resources to buy such vehicles as they are still using Ford Police Interceptors from what, 7 years ago? Same thing for the state level, I believe those resources are just out of reach. That leaves the Fec., and at a truly WAG, I would suspect something like Homeland Security. Training with our local gendarmes. It was announced that there were going to be some joint exercises, concentrating on forced point entry.

Is there really much of a threat in the middle of southern New England that would warrant such tactics? Large groups of bunk'ered, International terrorists preparing to.... to.... to what? And to do that what, where?


It's all an illusion....
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Offline gPink

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Re: We're doomed!
« Reply #124 on: July 25, 2017, 07:28:10 AM »
....large groups of disillusioned, fed-up citizens with guns are an authoritarian government's worst nightmare. Venezuela  is about to find out how many firearms were hidden from the gov.

Offline B.D.F.

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Re: We're doomed!
« Reply #125 on: July 26, 2017, 08:24:03 AM »
Maybe. But only if the population has some organization and common goal; a bunch of loose people resisting "the Government" is not going to get very far. Then again, that organization of the people is SUPPOSED to BE the government in the first place.

I think in the US, accountability is a very important key to success. Just read this:

and I have a number of questions: first, I would like to see some form of independent, non biased third party investigate this although that is probably impossible really. Second, there should be a line of accountability from the judge who signed the warrant, through the prosecutor's office and the police dept. to identify exactly who did what that ended up with what appears to be a citizen with no wants, warrants, or accusations dead in his home, shot by the police. I do not expect any agency to be exempt or free from mistakes but I do expect accountability and responsibility up to, and including IF WARRANTED, dismissal and criminal charges applied to any / all involved who did something sufficiently incorrect. We do not accept these types of things from other individuals (John knocked on Sam's door by mistake and ended up killing Sam but he is sorry so all is well..... yep, that does not fly) and I do not think we should accept them from gov't agencies either.


....large groups of disillusioned, fed-up citizens with guns are an authoritarian government's worst nightmare. Venezuela  is about to find out how many firearms were hidden from the gov.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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