Kawasaki Concours Forum

Mish mash => Open Forum => Topic started by: Charliedog on August 08, 2018, 06:08:23 PM

Title: Anybody ever buy anything from a website called Alatteap.com?
Post by: Charliedog on August 08, 2018, 06:08:23 PM
Under the heading of something that looks too good to be true, generally is:  I saw a reference somewhere that Shoei was closing out some graphic versions of the GT-Air, by far my favorite helmet.

When I googled the helmet this website came up.
http://www.alatteapp.com/gtair-c-10_144.html (http://www.alatteapp.com/gtair-c-10_144.html)

Their price is less than half the 'normal' closeout price, so my  question is: anyone ever deal with these folks?  TIA
Title: Re: Anybody ever buy anything from a website called Alatteap.com?
Post by: gPink on August 08, 2018, 06:21:10 PM
Never heard of them. No where on the site could I find any location information or phone number. I did see where they sell shoes and bikinis though. With no actual contact info I personally would not due business with them. Might be perfectly legit.
Title: Re: Anybody ever buy anything from a website called Alatteap.com?
Post by: bigdt73 on August 08, 2018, 10:59:03 PM
It sure seems too good to be true based on the prices.  I wish I knew for sure because those are some awesome deals.
Title: Re: Anybody ever buy anything from a website called Alatteap.com?
Post by: just gone on August 09, 2018, 09:39:04 AM
https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=alatteapp.com (https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=alatteapp.com)

https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4961756,-71.1932816,3a,75y,208.19h,87.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKzSLV_PxBGQwboEYNWapug!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&authuser=0 (https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4961756,-71.1932816,3a,75y,208.19h,87.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKzSLV_PxBGQwboEYNWapug!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&authuser=0)

Hiding behind a privacy website provider so it seems shady to me. You may get stuff, but is it Chinese knock off?...stolen? or will your money just vanish? :-\

PRIVACYPROTECT.ORG is providing privacy protection services to this domain name to
protect the owner from spam and phishing attacks. PrivacyProtect.org is not
responsible for any of the activities associated with this domain name. If you wish
to report any abuse concerning the usage of this domain name, you may do so at
http://privacyprotect.org/contact. (http://privacyprotect.org/contact.) We have a stringent abuse policy and any
complaint will be actioned within a short period of time.

I've also seen sites like this where you order stuff but what you are actually ordering are drugs, where you send an email through an anonymous email service, to one place and they tell you
what each item's equivalent is in a quantity and type of drug and then you order on a different site but instead of the item showing up you get the associated drugs instead. This isolates the money from the drugs. However usually the prices are higher vs value of item to discourage accidental business for the items shown, so in this case it seems unlikely. They prefer stuff that is hard to access the value of (eyes of beholder things) like art prints and ceramics.

Title: Re: Anybody ever buy anything from a website called Alatteap.com?
Post by: maxtog on August 09, 2018, 03:35:27 PM
You may get stuff, but is it Chinese knock off?...stolen? or will your money just vanish? :-\

Or they could also be "seconds", or returns that are NOT new, but sold as if they are.  That seems to be another common scam.
Title: Re: Anybody ever buy anything from a website called Alatteap.com?
Post by: Leitch on August 15, 2018, 05:12:32 AM
Man, the internet is a wild place alright. Cheers for the heads up. I haven't had anything like that go wrong yet, but you can never let your guard down I guess.