The C10, aka Kawasaki Concours - The Original > Accessories and Modifications - C10

Modifying the Delkevic baffles


jim snyder:
I had another question the other day in reference to modifying the baffle in a Delkevic muffler. Many have left the baffles out of their mufflers due to it affecting top end power. Here is what I have done in the past with all of my Delkevic mufflers. I drill a 1/2" to 3/4" hole in the front of the front cap. This releases the back pressure and increases exhaust flow. Another trick I have used (and don't laugh) is using stainless steel pot scrubbers, yes the ones to scrub pots and pans to add additional sound muffling. They slightly muffle noise without affecting flow. I place one or two of the scrubbers ahead of the baffle assembly before re-inserting it.     


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